puta ka, jaworski
and let me say this without editing or censoring that. allow me to sin just this one time--the guy has clearly demonstrated his immaturity and lack of sportsmanship.
his behavior firms up our initial doubts of supporting him. though just to state clearly that neither did i vote for the incumbent.
his supporters are rallying (at the peak of rush hour) right smack in the middle of an ortigas artery: the intersection of julia vargas and meralco. that spot, even without rallies, can turn sour enough for motorists. the last thing it needed was a complete closure by a bunch of sore-losers who have no consideration whatsoever to the rest of the city.
DODOT, POTAH, how many people do you think: were on their way to the hospital and died stuck in traffic? had a very crucial life-changing appointment and did not get there in time? had the runs and needed to rush to a toilet very very soon? had promised to be home in time for their family's dinner but ended up disappointing the kids?
FUCK, dude, it took me 45 freaking minutes for a trip that would have otherwise taken 3 minutes! you've increased road rage by a hundred, reduced productivity fifteen fold, and have proven to the world how much of a big cry baby you are! THANK HIGH HEAVENS YOU WON'T BE OUR MAYOR!
if i had a column in the papers today, i would be writing about YOU! and all the other victory-hallucinating, egoistic, inconsiderate politicians out there! damn you all!
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