Monday, May 14, 2007

democratic farce

today is the day kikay people fear the most -- getting their nails ruined by indelible ink. either that or they forego participating in the 'democratic' process.

i'm really not sure why i go out of my way to cast a vote... perhaps it's due to the fact that i only have to walk across the street from my house. and i don't have to fall in line. or really, i probably just have nothing to do on a monday morning.

feel good factor is low this year. maybe it's because we're not electing a president. presidential elections are always exciting. and it keeps me at the edge of my seat, fingers crossed, and cheering in front of the television for days until the protests of being cheated begin. same old, same old.

i do hope all of you voted. even if you opted to keep your ballots blank. i did. well, at least i left 5 entries blank. this time, it's no mercy. no excuse for shifting sides. no excuse for former lies. no excuse for dynasties.

here's a sms forward from a good friend who ironically missed voting. haha.
The penalty that good men pay for not being interested in politics is to be governed by men worse than themselves - Plato

amen, plato. you rock!

god bless the philippines!


At May 15, 2007 8:28 PM, Blogger vera said...

today is the day kikay people fear the most -- getting their nails ruined by indelible ink. either that or they forego participating in the 'democratic' process.

i left 5 entries blank. this time, it's no mercy. no excuse for shifting sides. no excuse for former lies. no excuse for dynasties.
yay, you.

amen, plato. you rock!
yes, he does.
you should read the republic if you still haven't.


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