innocent children are what threaten israel
i couldn't help but sneer upon hearing the news that lebanon refused to welcome condi rice for her planned second visit to the country, allegedly to work out a deal for an immediate cease-fire.
serves her right. serves america right.
i believe america has forgotten the true definition of immediate. 19 days since and 600 plus deaths after, the world has yet to see an upcoming resolution to the crisis.
"sustainable peace" is what they want before a cease-fire. how can one achieve "sustainable peace" if they can't begin with the first step of a cease-fire?!
somebody stop me. i might just enlist myself with a neo-nazi group. israel is getting on my nerves.
i am filipino. catholic at that. i live thousands of miles away from the middle east and yet i find myself harboring the mildest feelings of hatred for both america and the israelis. i have no relatives there (in lebanon). nor do i have any acquaintances to write to. aren't those whose families are being torn apart, massacred and wiped out therefore justified to raise their fists and retaliate?
america wonders why terrorism thrives. israel cries at anti-semtism. are these two governments just going to sit and scratch their heads within the comforts of their missile protected palaces as they give the world more reason to breed greater hatred against the west?

civilians are being slaughtered in cold blood. there is no excuse, no sound argument that would justify the prolonging attacks of israel. i detest them. they are arrogant. downright contemptuous. america watches on proudly and silently as its pet bulldog, israel, rips the life out of innocent children and peaceful citizens.
they are asking for big trouble...
here are some pictures from this site, showing israeli kids signing missiles intended to kill the "terrorists" in lebanon, which they have all but accomplished to obliterate.

the UN has, for the second time in this century, failed to maintain the peace (the first time being the US invasion of iraq). one should ask if the institution merely represents the core practice of two-faced diplomats whose own agenda merely probe beneath the surface of pleasantries, cabernet sauvignon and foie gras parties. they are impotent fools whose choice of words matter more than the soul of their statements.
somebody open a bible to revelations... we may be approaching the end of days.
i completely agree with you.
Killing is horrible!
However, why "civilians are being slaughtered in cold blood" only applies when Israel does it? Take the last few year and count how many innocent people were killed in Israel by suicide bombers and rockets shot from "peaceful" Lebanon and other "friendly" neighbors of Israel. These kids that sign those rockets only doing it because they saw their friends and relatives killed by similar rockets that were shot from Lebanon. Have you tried putting your child on the bus to school and be not sure if you will ever see him/her again?
I am Russian and I do know what it means to lose relatives in a war. It is a horrible, horrible thing and I wish nobody would ever had to experience it.
The shooting is not going one way, it never does.
Lets not start blaming one side only.
I am sorry for being so wordy, it is just hard to see how the world keeps quiet when a boom kills innocent people in Israel and how everybody seem to be raging when Israel responds.
it's very disturbing. tito alfrancis was talking wth dad this morning and although dad was berating him for not being there when the war broke out (as opposed to tita grace who refused to leave iraq until all the filipinos were home), he got why he left first.
for the life of me, i will never understand bloodshed and what drives man to it. it makes me scared to bring up a child in a world like this. it's just not fair.
When Hezbollah stops using women and children as human shields, innocent people will stop dying.
You can't leave a terror organization in place because of a threat of colateral damage. It's an unfortunate result of war. And considering this war was brought on by Hamas and Hezbollah, the Lebanese people should be up in arms against them for dragging that country and their people (literally) into the middle of this conflict.
There is a reason hezbollah operates behind feed fools like yourself who believe their propaganda.
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Who's at fault for the deaths of these children? The ones that filled an abandoned building with children and elderly (no fighting aged men) and made it into a military target by firing rockets from it, or the ones that told the civilians to leave the area then destroyed the military target that was understood to have been abandoned? I've seen the video of the rockets coming from this building.
A little advice: It's a good idea to not fire your rockets at neighboring countries from just outside your child's bedroom window.
See My Blog About It
Here's a petition to get Israel to stop bombing civilians. Pass it on. It's at lebanonpetition@ BMV
well said. war is a concept I can never, ever grasp. it's very sad.
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